Proper wheel alignment in an automobile is among the most important aspects that vehicle owners should familiarize themselves with.
This article provides answers to two questions that first-time vehicle owners (and those looking to become responsible motorists) may have about automobile wheel alignment.
What Causes Wheel Misalignment?
Wear and tear of various components of the automobile wheel system is also often responsible for the misalignment of wheels. For example, worn out suspension springs may make undesirable adjustments to the wheel alignment in the automobile. Regular servicing of the vehicle is recommended to delay the occurrence of wear on various components of the wheel system.
Modification of the vehicle’s height (e.g. through the installation of lift kits) may also cause wheel misalignment if the vehicle’s suspension systems is not modified as well. The suspension system in an automobile is designed for use with the original height of the vehicle. The additional height brought about by any modifications puts a strain on the suspension system. This often results in the misalignment of wheels.
How Does Tyre Replacement Affect Wheel Alignment?
The replacement of automobile tyres has a direct impact on the vehicle’s wheel alignment. In order to maintain proper wheel alignment, a vehicle owner is advised to use matching sets of tires that have identical characteristics (i.e. tread design, size, etc.) on the vehicle at all times. Different-sized or improperly-sized tires on an automobile may unbalance the suspension system in the automobile while tires with different tread designs will not provide steady traction when the automobile is in use.
Consequently, it is advisable for a vehicle owner to ensure that both the front and rear tires in an automobile are replaced at the same time and that the replacement tires are of the same make. This is the best way to avoid wheel alignment problems after automobile tires have been replaced.
Why Is Log Book Servicing Recommended For Wheel Alignment Problems?
For one, log book service allows the vehicle owner to keep an accurate record of the all service and maintenance-related activities carried out in relation to the alignment of wheels. This information would come in handy in the event that the car is to be sold at a later date.