Our Values
We are Alfa Tyre Protector.
We are passionate about tyres & wheels.
We act with integrity.
We earn trust.
We think and act like business owners and we’re in the business of serving customers.
We exercise care in everything we do.
Our Story
Believing in the Project Nigeria is a major task that many juveniles have taken upon themselves in this age, spiting government’s neglect on the society, building worthwhile businesses and making name for themselves around and beyond the country, in all aspect. And it is to be noted that, most of these people fall to the category of learned young chaps.
But then, little is the artisans whose work spells a giant stride which was taken upon to not only better their own pockets but to also cater for the country and the needs of its people -most especially in the automobile industry where producers of Tyres have taken solace in other neighbouring countries.
Alhaji Qasim Folorunsho, the MD of Alfa Tyres Protector who once worked for Michelin Tyres has gone beyond the confronting odds of just pumping air into tyres for customers to selling and even offering self-help methods for drivers to remain safe should anything go wrong with their tyres while driving without the need to source for a Vulcanizer.
His quality-oriented service delivery method makes him enjoy patronage from top companies like Nestle Transporters, Justrite Superstore, Nunstanzer Nigeria Limited, Jimmy Azeez Group of Companies, Federated Steel Mill, Pilot, Pachomo Nigeria Ltd, Peace and Monotochris, Tescoand many others.
The Rise of Alhaji Qasim Folorunsho
Just like many others who became successful artisans today, Alhaji Qasim Folorunsho was not born with a silver spoon. He was unhappy when his father informed him of the inability to sponsor his education to the next level and showed only tiny interest when he was taken to learn the business of vulcanizing.
This tiny interest grew to become a driving force that made him work with Michelin Tyre for 3 years where he learned on the work while still with his master and became a professional in everything that relates to tyres.
Having graduated, he still didn’t start as a tyre dealer. He would go on to work as a roadside vulcanizer at Iyana-Iyesi, Ota, Ogun State for another twelve years before the business was expanded to accommodate the sales of tyres.
The Birth of Alfa Tyres Protector
The turning point for Alhaji Folorunsho and the birth of his tyre business came after the news of a Nigerian International Footballer; John Fasanu, who wanted to return home to commence the business of vulcanizing. And this was after his wife discouraged him from joining truck drivers as a motor boy.
This news created a hunger within him to establish another source of income and propelled him to set new goals. At the set of three goals, subsequently, he started seeing the result come to fruition. The first was focus; hard work was the second while the last one is what he calls little luck. Just like how dreams are better than firecrackers, the goals, like magic, started producing great results.
Recall an aphorism which says; never despise the days of little beginning, Alfa Tyres Protector started with the sales of only ten (10) truck tyres some five years ago and owing to his sincerity, the company has grown to become one of the biggest tyre dealing companies around Ota and its environs, making him enjoy patronage with top companies like Nestle Transporters, JustriteSuperstore, Nunstanzer Nigeria Limited, Jimmy Azeez Group of Companies, Federated Steel Mill, Pilot, Pachomo Nigeria Ltd, Peace and Monotochris, Tesco and many others.
As part of the goal of Alfa Tyres Protector to further ensure the safety of drivers and take this business to a greater level, the company has created a bond with the Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC in order to enlighten people on the safety of their tyres and encourage them that safety begins with them.
In fact, the company does hold seminars in conjunction with the FRSC and also attend to play their roles when invited to any program by the FRSC.
Today, you can get any brand of vehicle tyres you want and in its different sizes.
Alfa Tyres Protector Toolkits
His massive 12 years as a roadside Vulcanizer coupled with the experience gained working with Michelin Tyre Company and the fact that his master was also a tyre dealer helped him to go a step further in providing solace to transport companies and other drivers by providing self-help tyre toolkits.
The toolkits have been designed in a way that puts car owners and drivers in a control position thereby, making them tend to their tyre problems without necessarily having to visit the Vulcanizer.
For example, a protector is a form of a kit that serves as a sealant when it is attached to tyres. It automatically seals the tyre anytime it gets punctured thereby serving as a means of reducing accidents and saving lives of commuters as well as passengers.
At Alfa Tyres Protector, everything that has to do with tyre sales and services is being rendered with an assurance of quality because they offer value as their working mantra. Alfa Tyres Protector does not just sell tyres and kits, the company is set up in such a way that it relates with its customers like family members and give them advice on matters relating to tyres and its usage.
Philanthropic Works
Alfa Tyres Protector believes so much in charity and empowerment of the less privileged in the society and the company does this without minding the economic situation of the country. They stand with the idea of giving back to society in a bid to make it better.
As it stands, the company has empowered sixteen youths to have a stable income for themselves. While some of them now work in companies as vulcanizers, others are self-employed, working on their own in the same occupation. And the company has continued to mentor them in having faith in themselves so as to achieve greatness.
With the death of tyre companies in Nigeria, We at Alfa Tyres Protector are at the verge of establishing its own tyre producing company solidly made in Nigeria so as to bring back the country’s heritage and pride as the one of best tyre producing nation in the world.
Alh.Folohunso Qosim(CEO)